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How To Choose The Ideal Digital Signage Solutions

November 10, 2020

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What is a digital signage?

Digital signage – Let’s break up the simple phrase to make it even simpler to understand – it is digital, that means it uses current technology and can be changed often, therefore giving a fresh look to your brand every time.

And signage is the communication that a brand wishes to express in a specific period of time. This could be product specific – highlighting product or campaign generic – lends to a broader theme and ties the overall brand look and feel during the campaign period.

Due to its supple nature of communication, digital branding must be (well, it is recommended) to echo the same communication across multiple locations. Even if it is location specific, within the store the digital signage solution should be used optimally (same colour, same font etc) to communicate uniformly. Hence a feeling of a central control that can evenly distribute communication creating a stronger brand presence and hence recall. According to MVIX Digital Signage the global digital signage market is expected to hit $29.8 billion by 2024, growing at a CAGR of 8.6% from 2018 to 2024.

Digital signage solutions content can be static (eg changing photos) or dynamic (eg videos).
Some examples of places where digital signage solutions are used are live weather (or broadly in  television news), menus (trends show a huge shift in menus being shown on gadgets such as the iPad) and basically a whole range of platforms. As quoted on an MVIX blog, “The adoption of digital signage solutions is on a steady rise, with 60% of enterprises without digital signage in their stores planning to invest in the technology within the next two years.”

What are types of digital signage solutions?

Some examples of digital signage solutions are – Digital Posters
Placement – Digital posters make for an ideal digital signage solution for both indoors and outdoors. Digital posters could be one static image or a bunch of images used carousel style. Placed just outside a store is a very effective way to attract customers into a store. This style is old meets new and usually is very popular for film and event promotions.

Free standing displays

Placement – Digital posters make for an ideal digital signage solution for both indoors and outdoors.
The free standing style digital display solution is usually used for aerial signages. You would have noticed television mounted announcement boards at airports, large printed direction signs and even some suspended displays at events. Since such signages need to be viewed from far distances by a large number of people, the messaging must be short, precise and contained

Wall / ceiling mounted

Placement – Digital posters make for an ideal digital signage solution for both indoors and outdoors.
Gaian, the wall and ceiling mounted displays can be used for a lot of outdoor signage. Used in a store, it can be extremely space saving if space is a constraint. Furthermore, the wall and ceiling mounted digital signage solutions being used recently are video style and known to be even more effective than their static counterparts.

digital signage solutions

Outdoor / Billboards

Placement – Outdoors only!

Ever been wowed by the digital display signage that runs across a whole building? That’s exactly what this kind of solution does – shock and awe and definitely and eye catcher. However, the productiveness of this kind of solution can lend itself to even corner spaces that would otherwise go as wasted space and help convert intent to sale. For example, used in a changing area where customers wait for their turn to get into a booth, it will surely convert intent to sale. MVIX states in a blog, ‘Digital signage has an astounding recall rate of 83%. This figure is almost double the information retention rate for traditional advertising.’

How to choose the best one for you?

  1. Budget – depending on how small or large your budget is towards the specific campaign, choose wisely. Sometimes it’s important to start small and build up. Consult with a good in store display solutions company like Right Source to plan well
  2. Space – If you have space constraints within a store, then the outdoor solutions make good or vice versa. But, revisiting your budget is a god idea. As mentioned before, check with a company such as Right Source who has a team to guide you through from start to finish.
  3. Overall Campaign Execution – This could come first, or last depending on how you wish and your solutions company wishes to approach the whole process. But ensure that is done – the campaign must be executed with an overarching vision of the brand and product or service as a whole rather than piece meal.

If you have any questions about digital display solutions, feel free to reach out to the Right Source team on


*Statistics have been taken from a blog post by MVIX Digital Signage ’89 Proven Digital Signage Statistics for 2020’.

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